πŸŒ€Our Features

Permissionless Fixed Swap Pools Controlled by smart contracts, ensuring fair and transparent token distribution, projects can list their new tokens at predetermined prices.

Flexible Allowlisting System This allows unlimited addresses with individual maximum allocations resulting in low gas fees. $BEANY Staking BEANY POWER is the metric of BeanyPad for token projects. Staking $BEANY within our smart contract grants you access to project launches.

zkVeggies Staking VEGGIES POWER is the metric of BeanyPad for NFT projects. Staking your zkVeggies NFT within our smart contract grants you access to project launches.

Anti Scam Verification Our system allows us to sort the real participants from the bots.

Fair Lottery System Fair and tamper-proof, token incentivized lottery and ticket system.

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