⚙️$BEANY Token Utility

The BeanyPad utility token, or $BEANY tokens, plays a critical role in the BeanyPad ecosystem, giving you access to IDO pools.

To ensure a more fair and secure fundraising process for both projects and community members, only whitelisted addresses can participate in BeanyPad IDOs.

Whitelists are chosen at random from a pool of eligible addresses. An address is only elligible to be whitelisted if its stakes at least 10 000 000 000 $BEANY.

Each IDO has its own whitelist process, and eligible $BEANY stakers must re-submit for each IDO, ensuring the playing field remains fair for all IDO participants, including newcomers.

BEANY POWER for Token Pool Access

BEANY POWER determines your chance of participating in an IDO. Think of it as an accelerator, it calculates a user's eligible $BEANY balance across the platform regarding the amount of $BEANY they are staking.

To gain access to an IDO, users need to get their wallet addresses on the "allowlist". It’s a lottery system that rewards users 1 ticket for every 10 000 000 000 staked $BEANY. During an IDO, addresses are chosen at random. More tickets will increase a user's chances of being selected for the allowlist. There are 5 tiers of BEANY POWER : • 10 000 000 000 $BEANY = 1 ticket • 25 000 000 000 $BEANY = 3 tickets • 45 000 000 000 $BEANY = 6 tickets • 80 000 000 000 $BEANY = 13 tickets • 150 000 000 000 $BEANY = 25 tickets The higher the number of $BEANY staked, the more tickets you earn.

How to gain BEANY POWER?

Stake your $BEANY : this is the easiest way to accumulate BEANY POWER. You can buy $BEANY from syncswap here. The staked tokens grant you immediate access to current and future IDO applications and will be locked on-chain for 7 days before they can be withdrawn. You can do this directly from the BeanyPad website by visiting the dashboard and connecting your wallet.

Last updated